The Team

Julien Simonnet

Julien Simonnet

Chef et owner

I had the chance of working in several restaurants during my bachelor's degree at Ferrandi Bordeaux.

I started at the Itinéraire (Paris - Sylvain Sendra), then the Rackham (Roscoff - Arthur Péran) and the Jaïs (Paris - Jaïs Mimoun).

Once I obtained my diploma, I worked from time to time as a junior chef at Ze Kitchen Galerie (Paris - William Ledeuil) and the Porte 12 (Paris - Vincent Crépel). I developed my skills for two years as the deputy chef of the Goguette (Paris - Gianmarco Gorni). Fascinated by Japanese culture, I had the lifetime opportunity of working with Zaiyu Hasegawa from Tokyo’s twice Michelin-starred restaurant Den.

Inspired by the balance between culinary audacity and the grace of the plating, I decided to open my own restaurant in France to express my vision of food culture.

Justine Audoin

Justine Audoin


Trained in particular at Ferrandi, Justine went through Babel, Saint James and Gramme.

Friend of the chef, she is now participating in this new stage of Galopin with a menu that can be mixed and combined at will, gastronomic and generous, in a relaxed atmosphere.